"Well, I just lazy to keep updating my blog from time to time."
"I don't blog, but I enjoy reading blogs."
These are how Jane used to respond to bloggers who she chatting with, especially those from ShoutOut
However, Jane decided to start blogging from now on.

This was how they started their journey from May 2001 ~ February 2007.
UiTM, Shah Alam Section 17, was where they met and started to know each other in 3 months.
Thanks to the beloved teachers, Kyu Won, Tiara and Jee Min.

Language Institute, Seoul National University, was where they learnt Korean Language for one and half years.
This was part of their time how they get to know each other more and explored this foreign land together.
Kyung-Ju, a place where they had learnt a lot about Korean history.

Thanks to the beloved Korea language teachers in SNU, Jang, Chin, Kim, OOh, Haa, Hum, and etc.
In fact, Jane does not remember all teachers' name, because some of them did not teach her before. They taught other classes.

They were so glad meeting each other. Non-stop camwhoring with each other.
They just wanted to capture the sweet moment they had together, because they noticed that they maybe have no chance to meet up each other again in the next few years, maybe 10 years, 20 years.

They believe they have bright future wherever they go.
All the best, friends. ^^
Yes, flash back of memory is all Jane wants.
If your eyes are sharp, you may spot where Jane is in photos posted above. ^^
Pics are too small la.... :P
hahaha click on the pics. then it magically becomes big :P
finally someone is blogging *clap clap*
Wow.. somebody finally start blogging rather than shouting too much.. haha. All da best and do keep up ya. :P
Wheeeee ... congratulations for starting your own blog!
Nice color choices .. :)
So here is me wishing you all the best and keep pumping those thoughts! :)
my eyes not sharp
kenot spot ur face
p/s : actually lazy to spot ;p
Wooooooo you started blogging too. Very nice!
Have a happy flash back!
I'll come back again.
Thanks ya visiting my blog :)
lyssa: on purpose one la .. haha
Satkuru: haha..clever wor.. haha ^^
criz lai: i still will shout, ok? :P
lasker: thank you!! ^^
sc_bone: yeah.. just too small hor? haha
CH: thanks!!!!!! ^_^
Aaron: welcome!! haha..
I need all you guys support me to keep this blog updating!! Thanks a lot! :)
hmm.. i commented d wert.. how come tak show geh... sobsob.. neway.... WELCOME TO BLOGOSPHERE!! :) cheer up kay.. :)
congratzz..now you do have a blog.. ur name reminded me of my colleague...
heheh.. just to make sure you know who i am...
Angie: Thanks. You too!! Cheer up, ok? :)
Hugo: Thanks for visiting. I know who you are. :
happy new year ! keep updating:)
haha... YongKhong!! Thanks!! :)
you too.. Happy new year!! :)
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